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Educational Garage Door Videos

Safety Tip #1: Door Balance Test

The door balance test is one of the most important and simplest tests for preventative maintenance. Periodically testing the balance of your door is vital in detecting problems before they create more problems, increasing repair costs. Here is how you test the balance of your garage door. Once the door is down, release the operator trolley by pulling the emergency release chord. Next, lift the door around waist high. If the door stays waist high without falling, the door is balanced. If it does not stay up, the door will need to be balanced before permanent damage occurs to the opener. A door out of balance can destroy the motor and gears. If your door is not balanced, call All American Door Co.


A broken garage door spring is the most common of any garage door repairs. It is also, by far, one of the most dangerous repairs a homeowner can attempt. Springs are wound and set to extreme tension. Please do not attempt to repair a broken spring yourself! You should only do a visual inspection of the springs. A sign that you have a broken spring is a 2” gap between the coils. If you suspect a problem contact All American Door Co. to schedule a repair.

Safety Tip #3: Lubricating your Garage Door

Regularly lubricating the moving parts of your door can add years of life to your door over time. The metal on your garage door can dry out, crack, and become brittle. Especially in extreme climates. It is essential to keep the moving parts of your garage door thoroughly lubricated to prevent corrosion or rust. It is important to have your garage door should be looked at by All American Door Co. once a year for a maintenance check.

Sectional Garage Door Opener Checklist for Home Inspectors and Consumers, prepared by the Door and Access Systems Manufacturers’ Association (DASMA) and the International Door Association (IDA)

Sectional Garage Door Opener Checklist for Home Inspectors and Consumers, prepared by the Door and Access Systems Manufacturers’ Association (DASMA) and the International Door Association (IDA). You can find part 2 to this video here.

Because of potential dangers involved, all repairs and adjustments to a garage door system must be performed by a trained door systems technician. To find a trained technician in your area, go to and search through the IDA Member Directory.

How to fix Garage Door Safety Sensors

4 minutes into video for sensor info

Don’t get caught with your door down. All American Door. 612-623-DOOR.

The Twin Cities Loves All American Door Co.
Steve Fellner
Steve Fellner
22:16 28 Mar 25
Rowan Silvertree
Rowan Silvertree
17:53 28 Mar 25
Rob Cross
Rob Cross
19:16 27 Mar 25
Julie Carlson
Julie Carlson
02:44 27 Mar 25
Sharon Stevson
Sharon Stevson
22:19 26 Mar 25
Competitive pricing, quick turnaround for door installation once we settled on what door to go with. Would recommend All American Door to others!
Kristi Stepanek
Kristi Stepanek
19:53 26 Mar 25
Fast appointment and did a great job fixing the broken spring in addition to a few extra issues with the previous installation. Very helpful explaining what maintenance I need to do.
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